Here you will find materials to support trainers to deliver learning and development sessions using the resources.
The Learning Needs Analysis enablers social workers to identify their learning and development needs and strengths.
There are example Session plans for: general introduction to the resources; general introduction to a case study; sessions for each case study; learning and development themes.
There are example exercises that include: CPD exercise; barriers and enablers exercise; quiz; role play; sculpting; using the carers’ video; using the top tips for practice; critical reflection; action planning.
The Critical Reflection tool enables you to reflect on experiences of working with carers and to turn these into learning that can be used to improve practice.
The Action Planning tool enables you to reflect on experiences of working with carers and to turn these into learning that can be used to improve practice.
This example CPD record can be used to record your Continuous Professional Development activities. The CPD Record is an example of how you can capture learning and impact for registration.